Use to beautify and protect tropical, exotic hardwoods from premature UV graying/silvering, mildew staining and water damage, including cracking and checking caused by moisture absorption. Maintains "like-new" appearance on new wood and restores weathered wood to its original, natural look.Imparts a translucent, matte finish.
The preparation process outlined below should be followed
Use Wolman Deck & Fence Brightener (Liquid Concentrate)
The preparation process outlined below should be followed
to ensure adequate adhesion and and optimum performance of
this product.
Use Wolman Deck & Fence Brightener (Liquid Concentrate)
or DeckStrip® based onWOOD CONDITION instructions below.
Use product(s) as described on label. For best results, scrub
surface with Wolman WoodWorx® DeckBrush, and follow
with power-washing. After surface preparation, perform a Splash Test
with power-washing. After surface preparation, perform a Splash Test
to confirm adequate water absorption before applying this
Wood Condition
Uncoated, New Wood
Uncoated, Weathered Wood
Perform Splash Test
Perform Splash Test
Regardless of whether wood is newly installed or pre-existing, it
is important to determine if there is a surface barrier present
which would prevent the proper penetration or adhesion of a
new coating. To conduct a Splash Test, sprinkle several handfuls
of water on a few distinct areas of the surface. If the water
absorbs rapidly, the surface is ready to be coated. If the water
beads, puddles or is not absorbed, an internal or external barrier
exists, and must be eliminated before coating can begin.
Wood Condition
Uncoated, New Wood
To open wood pores before coating, prepared exotic hardwood
with Wolman Deck &Fence Brightener liquid concentrate.
Uncoated, Weathered Wood
Before coating, weathered wood must be thoroughly cleaned to
remove ground in dirt, mildew, mold and algae stains, black
tannin stains, gray or silver, UV-damaged wood fibers and any
other surface contaminants. To clean exotic hardwood, use
Deck& Fence Brightener liquid concentrate.
Previously Coated, Weathered Wood
Previously Coated, Weathered Wood
Previous coatings should be removed before application of this
product. If coated with a clear water sealer, Wolman Deck &
Fence Brightener liquid concentrate should be used to
restore the surface and remove residual coating/water
repellency. If a pigmented oil or latex coating exists, use
Wolman DeckStrip® Stain & Finish Remover to strip away
coating. (After stripping, exotic hardwoods may exhibit
black tannin stains on the surface, giving wood an overall
darkened appearance. If this occurs, use
darkened appearance. If this occurs, use
Wolman Deck & Fence Brightener liquid concentrate
according to label directions to remove tannin stains.)
Perform Splash Test
Once wood is dry to touch, sprinkle several handfuls of
water on a few distinct areas of the surface. If the water
spreads and begins to dry within 20 minutes, the surface
is ready to be coated. If the water beads, puddles or does
not dissipate and begin to dry within this timeframe, reapply
surface prep product and repeat Splash Test.
DO NOT PUDDLE. Clean overspray, drips or splatters with water as
soon as possible.
Stain Pad – Synthetic short nap style.
Brush – Synthetic bristle.
Pump Style Sprayer – NOT recommended for exotic
Brush – Natural or synthetic bristle. Always work from end
Professional Contractor:
Airless Sprayer – Use 4-5 inch fan, 0.013-0.015 inch, 250
Due to the very dense nature of Mahogany, Ipe ́ and other exotic
Before You Start – Prior to project start date, perform a trial brush-out in several
inconspicuous areas to ensure the desired color is achieved. (Color appearance will vary
inconspicuous areas to ensure the desired color is achieved. (Color appearance will vary
depending on wood species, age and surface porosity). Make sure entire wood surface is
dry free of dust, dirt and debris. Cover all surrounding areas not intended to be coated.
dry free of dust, dirt and debris. Cover all surrounding areas not intended to be coated.
Intermix multiple gallons of the same product in a separate container to ensure a uniform color.
Mix thoroughly before use and stir with a lifting motion periodically during application. Do
not tint, dilute or mix this product with any other product. Important: If the surface is in
direct sunlight and hot to the touch, liberally dampen surface with fresh water
to cool. Remove any standing water before beginning application.
Stain Pad – Synthetic short nap style.
Brush – Synthetic bristle.
Always work from end to end on one board at a time. When
using a pad or brush, make long, even strokes, avoid backand
-forth movements and maintain a wet edge. Work from
dry surface into wet coating to help avoid lap marks. Cut in
with brush where pad will not reach.
Pump Style Sprayer – NOT recommended for exotic
hardwood coating.
Brush – Natural or synthetic bristle. Always work from end
to end on a few boards at a time, and maintain a wet edge.
Professional Contractor:
Airless Sprayer – Use 4-5 inch fan, 0.013-0.015 inch, 250
-500 psi, and pad or brush along grain any drips, runs, uneven
coverage or surface puddles before they dry, especially on
vertical surfaces.
Use mineral spirits to clean over-spray, drips or spatters on
surrounding surfaces, and tools and equipment after use.
Bare wood or coated surfaces can become slippery
when wet. Use caution when walking on wet surfaces.
Due to the very dense nature of Mahogany, Ipe ́ and other exotic
hardwood species, it is critical to clean the surface and open the
pores of the wood prior to sealing or staining for proper coating
penetration, adhesion and long term performance. For
example, water puddles that remain intact for 20 minutes indicate the wood
surface is not porous enough to allow a coating to penetrate
or adhere properly.