DAP Weldwood® Plastic Resin Glue 4-1/2 lb.


MSRP: $49.36
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DAP Weldwood® Plastic Resin Glue
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A powdered, ureaformaldehyde wood glue activated by mixing with water. Forms a bond stronger than the wood itself. Mets Fed. Spec. A-A-3052. Low VOC.

Surface Preparation & Application:
1. Temperature of the surface and working area, as well as the adhesive, must be above 70°F. Preferred
moisture content of wood is 6% to 10%.

2. Make sure the surfaces to be bonded are clean, dry and free of oil, wax and foreign materials. Do not use containers or tools of copper or copper bearing alloys to mix adhesive.

3. Mix by weight or by volume in these ratios:
                                                  WEIGHT                          VOLUME
Powder                                            10 parts                               10 parts
Water                                                6 parts                                 4 parts

4. Mix by adding powder to approximately 2/3 of the total water, then add the remaining water.

5. Once mixed, the mixture begins curing immediately, although a “pot life” of up to 4 hours exists. Pot
life will be affected by temperature as such:

TEMPERATURE:             70°F           80°F          90°F         100°F
Pot Life (hours):                 4                2.5              1              .5

6.  Once the glue is applied, pressure should be applied. Soft wood and machined hard woods can be glued at low pressures (50 PSI). Rough cut parts require more pressure (175 to 300 PSI) for softwood and hardwood respectively.

7. Sufficient adhesive should be applied so that some squeeze out of excess adhesive is visible at edges. Glue line thickness should be from 0.003 + 0.006 inch for best results.

8. Pressure should be continued for these lengths of time:

TEMPERATURE:                              70°F         80°F          90°F         100°F          120°F       140°F
Pressure Per. (hours):                         13             8                5                3-1/4            1               1/2

Useful Temperature Range: 70°F Minimum
Bond Strength: Block shear, 2,800PSI minimum, ASTM D 905
Pot Life: 2-4 hours
Freeze/Thaw Stability: Stable
Shelf Life: One year minimum - dry powder
Viscosity: 1200 - 3,000 CPS (When mixed)
Storage: Store in cool dry place
Coverage: One pound adhesive powder plus water at .0006 inch glue line
covers about 40 square feet

Clean Up:
Clean up with water before mixture hardens. Once cured, Plastic Resin Glue cannot be removed from most surfaces successfully; sanding scraping or chiseling may be successful. Test an inconspicuous area before proceeding. Rinse all equipment with clean water after use.