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Dumond Smart Strip Paint Remover

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Smart Strip™ is a revolutionary paint remover that is safe for the user, the substrate and the environment. The Smart Strip™ Paint Removal System is a 100% biodegradable, water-based paint stripper that is extremely effective for removing multiple layers of architectural and industrial coatings from virtually all interior/exterior surfaces - wood, brick, metal, concrete, stone, plaster, fiberglass, etc. Smart Strip™ does not contain methylene chloride, any caustics, or toxic chemicals. It is odor free and safe for the environment. Smart Strip™ paint stripper is exceptional for the safe removal of lead based paint and is excellent for intricate, carved or molded surfaces. It is also outstanding for removing marine paints without damaging the gel coat. Because it is a paste, the Smart Strip™ paint stripper can easily be applied by brush, roller or conventional airless sprayer. It is formulated to remain constantly wet and effective over extended periods of time and does not require the use of Peel Away® Paint Removing Paper. Although the use of Peel Away® Paint Removing Paper will accelerate the removal process and extend dwell time.

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