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PC-Masonry Epoxy

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PC-Masonry Epoxy™ is a two component epoxy. It is a solvent free, high strength, high modulus, moisture insensitive, non-sag epoxy. Use as a high strength adhesive for projects that require a non-sag repair with fast curing time. Ideal for larger concrete repairs, especially for spalled concrete, PC-Masonry Epoxy™ can be troweld over rough and deteriorating concrete. Use for rebuilding missing concrete. PC-Masonry Epoxy™ is ideal for vertical and even overhead repairs since it will not run, sag or drip. PC-Masonry Epoxy™ can be painted after cured. Use as a high strength adhesive for projects that require a non-sag repair with fast curing time. ***Note: PC-Masonry Epoxy™ may discolor after exposure to sunlight. Directions: Using separate knives to remove amount needed, mix equal parts of A (white) and B (gray) on a flat clean surface until uniform color is achieved. Surfaces to be repaired or bonded must be clean and free of dirt, oil, rust, etc. Use denatured alcohol to help prepare areas and for clean up. After cure: Paint, Drill, Grind, Tap or Saw.



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